We wanted to let you know of all the interesting new features added to Heldric in the latest build.
First, we’ve added an early version of the campaign map. You will be able to select villages and see your progress. Each village will have different objectives and a preview map.
And now for the really fun part, and who doesn’t like fire? Well now you can roast some orcs as they come into your peaceful village. Placement and direction of these new shrines will be crucial to your success.
Each shrine can be upgraded for a larger area of effect and stronger effects. You can visually notice the changes as they are upgraded.
Of course we have also been hard at work fixing bugs and improving game-play as well. Player movement has improved and AI has entity avoidance and more realistic logic.
We need your help to spread the word, so be sure and like/follow/subscribe to us to show your interest in the game. Also don’t be shy, give us your feedback on our forums.